The firestop support supports Type B gas vent starting at the appliance level and includes a support bracket. The support bracket (SB) and firestop (FS) are also available separately. Supports up to 20 ft...
The AmeriVent cap is the first engineered vent cap to gain recognition across the country for its performance. Millions of them are now installed on homes and business structures to protect against wind conditions that can cause waste gases to spill back into the structure through the appliance draf..
The standard flashing fits flat to 5/12 pitch roof and is made of double-seamed construction for protection from leakage. For a standard flashing with a 6 in skirt, the model number reads the size and EFFU or RFFU...
The AmeriVent cap is the first engineered vent cap to gain recognition across the country for its performance. Millions of them are now installed on homes and business structures to protect against wind conditions that can cause waste gases to spill back into the structure through the appliance draf..
The standard flashing fits flat to 5/12 pitch roof and is made of double-seamed construction for protection from leakage. For a standard flashing with a 6 in skirt, the model number reads the size and EFFU or RFFU...