Medium sweeping. Center bristle: stiff black polystyrene solvent-resistant fiber. Border bristle are pre-flagged blue polypropylene and polystyrene so..
Medium sweeping. Border bristle made of pre-flagged blue polypropylene/polystyrene mix for dust. Center bristle made of stiff black polystyrene solven..
Rough sweeping. 3 in synthetic blend fiber. hardwood block. Slotted bolt on 60 in x 1-1/8 in hardwood handle with steel brace. Fully assembled. Revers..
Fine sweeping. 3 in gray flagged polypropylene and polystyrene mix solvent-resistant fiber. hardwood block. Slotted bolt on 60 in x 1-1/8 in hardwood ..
Heavy sweeping. 3 in black polystyrene solvent-resistant fiber. Lacquered hardwood block. Slotted bolt on 60 in x 1-1/8 in hardwood handle with heavy-..
Medium sweeping. Border bristle made of blue flagged polypropylene and polystyrene mix solvent-resistant fiber. Center bristle made of stiff black pol..
Suited for new home construction clean up texture, mortar, plaster, street or amusement park. 4-1/2 in stiff blue polypropylene fiber. hardwood block...